PI-Roadshow is back in autumn 2024


PI-Roadshow returns in the autumn of 2024! We will be organizing events in six of our partner university cities.

Our goal is to inform students about PI's activities and provide a window into the fascinating world of the forest-based industry. Local companies will also be participating in the events to share information about their operations. These companies represent the value chain of the forest-based industry, including, for example, forest industry companies as well as equipment and chemical suppliers.


The events will be held on:

  • Åbo Akademi, Turku: Tue 22.10.
  • University of Oulu, Oulu:Tue 29.10.
  • TAMK & TUNI, Tampere: Thu 31.10.
  • LUT University, Lappeenranta: Wed 6.11.
  • XAMK, Savonlinna: Thu 7.11.
  • Aalto University, Espoo: Thu 14.11.


More information for students and companies: donika.morina@puunjalostusinsinoorit.fi. Companies can register for the roadshow by sending an email to info@puunjalostusinsinoorit.fi.