PI-Roadshow in Autumn 2024


What is the PI-Roadshow?

The PI-Roadshow is aimed at university students and its purpose is to showcase the diverse opportunities in the forest industry and the activities of companies operating near student towns. The event provides companies with an excellent opportunity to recruit and strengthen their corporate image. First held in the fall of 2023, the PI-Roadshow reached nearly 200 students nationwide and featured around twenty of our member companies.



The event consists of presentations by PI, short company pitches or marketing videos, and about an hour of exhibition time. Each location can accommodate about 5–10 companies that have operations near the event location. Participation is free for our member companies.


Partner Universities

The tour will be held in October-November at the following universities:

  • Åbo Akademi University Tue 22.10.
  • University of Oulu Tue 29.10.
  • Tampere University of Applied Sciences & Tampere University (joint event) Thu 31.10. 
  • LUT University, Lappeenranta campus Wed 6.11.
  • South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Savonlinna campus Thu 7.11.
  • Aalto University Thu 14.11.



If you are interested in participating in the PI-Roadshow and sharing your company's story, please register by August 12, 2024, by sending an email to donika.morina@puunjalostusinsinoorit.fi.


Welcome to help create a wood-based future!