Pulp & Breakfast - Career morning - Lappeenranta

New event series is here!

Welcome to the PI's Pulp & Breakfast - Career morning for forest products engineers Lappeenranta!

Learn from alumni career stories and gain motivation for your own career.


8:30 Breakfast

9:00 Welcome and updates from PI

9:15 UPM - Company presentation
Heikki Ilvespää, VP, Research and Development, UPM

9:35 Alumni speech
Aino Rimpeläinen, Process Design Engineer, Sweco

Janne Holappa, Development Engineer, UPM

10:15 Mentoring and upcoming events

10:30 Networking

Location: Lappeenrannan Ylioppilastalo, TEK-studio


Register has ended!

Tapahtuma on jo alkanut ja ilmoittautuminen tapahtumaan on päättynyt.


6.3.2024 08:30 – 6.3.2024 11:00


Lappeenrannan ylioppilastalon TEK-studio (Laserkatu 10, 53850 Lappeenranta)