Experience the renewed, more responsible and more efficient Pulp & Beyond in April 2024!


It is time to break the myths in event industry – welcome to experience the renewed, more responsible and more efficient Pulp & Beyond in April 2024!

Renewal and rethinking are today a prerequisite and a vital part of everyday work. There are very few things, where you have still remained the luxury of stability, where the same good old tricks and operating models remain valid for years or even decades. For example, the change in working life is rapidly transforming our world, expert work is today largely mobile and non-dependent on the location, responsibility and competition law requirements are present in everything we do, and finally, both the organisations and individuals are setting higher requirements for their time- and cost efficiency on everything.

Also, the international industry events have been executed in a similar manner for a considerable time, but in winter 2022-2023 the key partner companies behind the traditional PulPaper together with Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association and Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre took the initiative to renew and address the ongoing challenges. Followed by the extensive brand and concept work, our Nordic icon event experienced a total rebirth. The event will be organised with the fully new Pulp & Beyond name and concept in Helsinki on 9 – 12 April 2024, and everything will be more responsible and more efficient this time.

But what eventually has changed, what will be conducted in a different manner in April? We have targeted to tackle at least three myths in international industry events:

Myth 1: All exhibitions in the world always look the same and have the very same boring “box” layout

Pulp & Beyond 2024: At Pulp & Beyond you will not find the very same traditional grid plan layout as elsewhere in the world, instead, you are now welcomed to visit and enjoy yourself with our village-like, S-shaped and more democratic Pulp & Beyond -ecosystem layout, where large and small companies are mixed, and services are near to you. If you feel so, you can for example pay a visit to a food truck, taste some street food or drink coffee in the middle of our event area.

Myth 2: It takes too much time to visit an exhibition, it is not efficient use of time and your workload just keeps increasing

Pulp & Beyond 2024: For the first time, we have condensed the exhibition part of our event from three days to two, making it possible to explore new technologies and do networking with a better time – and cost efficiency. We have the pleasure to organise our event at the same time with Chembio Finland event, which makes it possible for you to update yourself also regarding chemical and bio industry companies’ latest offering during the very same visit. For the first time, we have a dedicated area with relevant facilities for distance-working, so feel free to move your office although for the whole week to Helsinki! Since we are organising our event for the first time outside the Finnish summer vacation season, you will encounter in the aisles fresh new faces of several hundreds of university students on Thursday 11 April, taking part in our special Employer of the Future Day for students.

Myth 3: Constructing huge single-use exhibition stands is not responsible and participating is doubtful also due to the EU Competition Law requirements

Pulp & Beyond 2024: One of the driving forces in the planning of our renewed event has been responsibility: for the first time, all stands in the exhibition area are standard-sized, their constructions are fully modular, used construction materials are recyclable and also e.g. food and drinks are sourced in a responsible way and as local as possible. Participating Pulp & Beyond is also fully safe from EU Competition Law point of view, since we require all participating organisations and individuals to act in full accordance with the Antitrust policy of our event.

In addition to all above, the programme of our event week is as always full of highlights: international Pulp & Beyond Conference (9 April) will provide as many as three tracks on topical themes, in connection with the exhibition (10 – 11 April) two stages will be offering interesting keynote and panel presentations by leading experts, and at the end of the week, excursions will be organised both to Central Finland and for university students also to Sweden. Start-up companies will be competing on the prize of 10 000 euros on Wednesday 10 April and on the same evening, we will relax in a new way at Beach Party at Tripla Mall. Our association will be celebrating 110th anniversary in connection with Pulp & Beyond by organising a cocktail party on Tuesday evening (9 April) and we will also convene to the association’s regulatory Annual meeting on Thursday morning (11 April).

Do you believe in breaking the myths? Believe it or not, come anyway to check out and evaluate yourself how well we have succeeded in front of our great challenge. Come and meet also those nearly 200 leading companies across the forest- based bioeconomy, who have had the courage and vision to take this challenge. Bring also your colleagues, superiors, friends, fellow students and researchers as well as teachers. NOW is the right time to plan new things for the future, create new contacts, catch-up with good old colleagues and initiate new collaboration projects.

See you at Pulp & Beyond 2024 in April!


Antti Lindqvist, Toimitusjohtaja, Puunjalostusinsinöörit ry

D.Sc.(Tech.) Antti Lindqvist has been Managing Director at Finnish Forest Products Engineers’ Association since 2016. He has an experience of over 20 years from forest industry and before PI he has acted in different expert and leadership roles e.g. related to investment planning, strategy and business planning, operations development and risk management.