The influencer for a wood-based future

The influencer for a wood-based future -scholarship is granted to students and recent graduates that with their words and actions motivate and inspire their colleagues from their universities and workplace.

PI wants to notice influencers for a better wood- or forest-based future by yearly granting scholarships worth of 500 euros to students and recent graduates (maximum of 5 years from graduation), that have in different forms brough positive energy amongst their colleagues and that support fruitful collaboration between their universities and working life. 


The grounds for receiving this scholarship are:

  • Active internal and external communication that supports the success of the industry for example by insightful blog-posts or writing and influencing through social media. 
  • The internal motivation of students inside a guild or supporting new students towards studies in the field for example through active participation in high school ambassador -activities. 
  • Support to PI:s campaigns for acquiring new members and alumni activities.
  • Positive attitude towards the wood-based industry that is in line witht the values of PI.


You can apply (or suggest the receiver) of the scholarship by filling this form. You can apply by 5th May. There needs to be at least 3 suggestions for a receiver of the scholarship. The persons suggesting the receiver need to be from the same university or a workplace as the receiver. 

Throgh receiving the scholarship the suggesters and the receivers of the scholarship agree that PI will publish in its communication the name of the receiver, the basis of receiving the scholarship and the suggesters. PI will keep the information in its website.   


PI:n stipendirekisteriseloste / PI's scholarships' register description and privacy policy 

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