Student Scholarship

The Student Scholarship aims to support students in their studies related to the forest industry or closely related industries as well as to promote internationalisation.

Every year, PI grants several Student Scholarships to forest industry students. The purpose of the Scholarships is to support students in their studies, in finishing their theses (for example travel and living expenses in another region, city or abroad), and especially to promote their internationalisation (including international exchange and traineeships). The Student Scholarships have a value of max. 3 000 euros.


  • The Scholarship may be applied retrospectively within one year.
  • The applicant must be a member of PI. The applicant must also be an approved member* before the actual exchange period begins.
  • The application closes on 5 May.
  • Please note that the applicant must be a member of the Association.

Successful applicants are required to submit a report within one year of receiving the Scholarship.

*PI members are approved twice a year. Once in autumn and once in spring. In autumn the application approvals are final during the period of October-November and in spring in March-April


In order to apply, please provide the following appendices:

  • Curriculum Vitae or other statement of qualifications
  • Account of other grants or scholarships applied and received
  • A detailed account and cost estimate on the purpose for which the Scholarship is applied *(The Student Scholarship may be applied for the following travel costs: travel, accommodation, possible tuitions, insurance payments, vaccinations)
  • For international exchange or traineeship: a verification of acceptance
  • Certified transcript of records including course grades, the grade average, and credit units
  • Traineeship report, if the Scholarship is applied retrospectively


Instructions for reporting

PI:n stipendirekisteriseloste / PI's scholarships' register description and privacy policy 

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