PI PostDoc Scholarship

The PI PostDoc Scholarship can be applied for high-level research work covering the value chain of the forest and related industry as well as for the development of professional competence.

The aim of the Association’s PI PostDoc Scholarship is to support high-level research work and development of professional competence. The sholarship is aimed for post-doc research. The work covering the value chain of the forest and related industry is meant to be carried out at least partly abroad. The aim is to produce new knowledge, ideas, and innovations. The Scholarship is awarded every 1 to 3 years.

The Scholarship may be awarded to an individual or a research group, and its amount is a maximum of  50 000 €. The Scholarship may also be divided between several applicants. The applicant must be a member of the Association. The application closes on 5 May.




Please provide the following appendices with your application:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Account of the research project, personal research plan, and objective
  • Cost estimate of the research project and a financial plan on the use of the Scholarship
  • Account of other grants or scholarships applied and received
  • Certified transcript of records including course grades, the grade average, and credit units
  • Agreement or recommendation letter for the research visit
  • Possible grant recommendations


PI:n stipendirekisteriseloste / PI's scholarships' register description and privacy policy 

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