Personal information
First name
Last name
Home address (Street address, postal code, and city/town)
Phone number
Email address
Are you a member of PI?
Master's Degree information
Average grade
Year of graduation (estimated or exact)
Postgraduate studies
More detailed information regarding postgraduate studies.
Purpose of postgraduate studies
Doctorate Degree / Tohtorin tutkinto
Licentiate / Lisensiaatin tutkinto
Postdoctoral research / Postdoc tutkimus
Higher education institution or university
Postgraduate studies supervisor
Average grade
Estimate of the completion date / duration of the research
Intended use of the grant (a detailed description will be attached as an appendix)
If you use support for a conference or other international visit, will you be presenting there? What is the subject of your presentation?
Total cost estimate
Participation fees
Travel expenses
Living expenses
Other expenses (itemize)
Total costs
Additional information
Please attach the following documents to your application
Curriculum vitae
Certified transcript of records of your Master's studies including course grades, the average grade and credit units
Certified transcript of records of your postgraduate studies including course grades, the average grade and credit units
Account of other scholarships and awards applied for the same project/purpose
Financial plan of the research project, cost estimate, and plans for financing the studies
Account of the research project, personal research plan, and objective
Recommendation letter
Other appendices
I have read the PI's scholarships' register description (at the bottom of the form) and I accept it.
I have read the PI's scholarships' register description (at the bottom of the form) and I accept it.