The youth forum brings out the voice of the youth

The Youth Forum consists of the chairmen of the field’s university student guilds and it relays the current concerns of students through the Association to industry corporations and vice versa. The chairman of the Youth Forum is also a member of the Board of the Association, so that the needs and views of young people might be better acknowledged in our activities.

The bioforest industry needs versatile and competent young people. In order to better respond to young people’s needs and to benefit our corporate members, the Youth Forum convenes four times a year to discuss current issues in the student world. The Youth Forum provides young people a channel through which to express their opinions and relay their messages to the Association, which improves their opportunities to influence our activities. The youth Forum consists of representatives of Aalto University, Lappeenranta university of Technology,  Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere University, University of Oulu, Åbo Akademi University and South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (XAMK).

Activities of the Youth Forum

  • Organizing national campaigns at senior secondary schools
  • Organizing the student recruitment event, Forest Based Industries, or FBI, Day
  • Proposing and partly carrying out events and communications for students
  • Exchanging news related to students’ education, working life, and company activities
  • The chairman of the Youth Forum functioning as a junior member in the Board of the Association


The Youth Forum 2023

Lotta Martin (chairperson)

Joona Kaven

Emilia Ojala

Vertti Kemppi

Eetu Hukka

Jesse Pitkänen

Juho Talsa

Joonatan Kaskimies

Joona Helikoski

Lindqvist Antti (PI)
Donika Morina (PI)